On Meredith Leigh (& Katie Button, Jael Rattigan, and the whole crew)
I just finished listening to Meredith Leigh's interview on the Female Farmer Project . To be honest, I almost didn't download it. I kinda dreaded it. Just... innately. No offense to the amazing Meredith Leigh . Especially now that I've listened to it. I'm from Asheville. And I tend to eschew popular things (that feels redundant). So when I hear about how awesome Meredith Leigh is, I kinda roll my eyes, in a "no DUH" way. The same with Katie Button . They're like, the rock stars of the Asheville foodie world. And yet, I let myself start the episode, with the permission I've gotten comfortable with - I can always skip ahead if it ends up being disinteresting in some way (seriously, no offense Meredith and Katie, neither of you are worthy of the term). And yet , I didn't skip ahead. In fact, I found myself enthralled, and reminded of how awesome Asheville food ladies are, especially Meredith in this moment. She inspires me to consider becomi...